Saturday, November 19, 2011

48 Laws of Power: A Must Read

I never heard of Robert Greene before nor his writings until I have spoken with an office mate of mine who said that reading his works is really worthwhile. He mentioned the book "48 Laws of Power" to me and the quote "Never Outshine your Master". He never gave any descriptions of what the book is for, but only a guarantee that I will really learn a lot from it. Hmmmmm, It sounds very interesting to me that's why I decided to give it a try. I searched for it online and then I came to a brief enumeration of its content and found out that it is about the most important points of power and how a person can attain it.

I am not yet done in reading all the 48 points but I could say as early as now that it can really open one's mind. Now, I know why some people in power act the way that they do. I really can't understand them before, but now? I am certain that they are doing such things in order for them to be in control. 48 Laws of Power provides revealing ideals that not all of us can understand. It's up to the readers on how they will be able to accept those and practice the points that they want to pursue.


  1. one of my favorite books.

    followed you :)

  2. but sometimes laws is nothing if money play on it. a good man will be more wise if they in the case. not only just for personal wealth. thx for the book.keep post...

  3. great contents! thanks for the visit! see you again!

  4. Thanks!

    @Vanken: I definitely agree with you...

  5. Sounds the book is going be so exciting to read.

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